Ross Forrest

CBC personality Jonny Harris hit Lake Cowichan to film an episode of ‘Still Standing’.

Year in Review: Mayor’s report

Another productive year for the town comes to a close while the goals and objectives of council remain the same as in previous years.

CBC personality Jonny Harris hit Lake Cowichan to film an episode of ‘Still Standing’.

Mayor’s report: Town focusing resources on improving water quality

Early in my life I was taught to make the best out of a bad situation and that is exactly what the town is attempting to do

Lots of projects to look forward to in 2016

The year is new but our goals and objectives remain the same.

Resa Clark-Attrell and Amanda Sawatzky are two of the 40-plus volunteers who boxed up donated food and items to make Christmas hampers for people in need this year.

Recognizing the great people in Lake Cowichan in 2015

Our community has always been a special place to those of us who have made it home

Resa Clark-Attrell and Amanda Sawatzky are two of the 40-plus volunteers who boxed up donated food and items to make Christmas hampers for people in need this year.

From totem raising to going age friendly and Remembrance Day

The totem pole ceremony on Nov. 14 will be remembered for being one of the strongest community building events in Lake Cowichan.

Mayor’s report: Wood award, Terry Fox Run, Kaatza gala highlight October

Weather notwithstanding, the Terry Fox Run this year was a great success

Mayor’s Report

Mayor Ross Forrest discusses new crosswalks, primary health care and more.

Lake Cowichan community’s water consumption reduced

Since 2011, we have seen a dramatic reduction in the town’s consumption of water.

New town projects view to progress

Mayor reports town focus on road safety, health and community issues

Mayor of Lake Cowichan, Ross Forrest

Community consultation: doctors and schools in Cowichan Lake area

Community consultation: doctors and schools in Cowichan Lake area

Mayor of Lake Cowichan, Ross Forrest

Support of community for events and projects appreciated by mayor

Support of community for events and projects appreciated by Mayor Ross Forrest

Changes about town get people expressing opinions

The changes for South Shore Road are becoming more evident daily.

Mayor’s Report: 2011, a year in review

The third year of my first term as Lake Cowichan’s mayor began as interestingly as the previous two years.

Naming Beech freeman of the town an honour

Hazel Beech is a remarkable woman who has gone beyond the normal responsibilities of a citizen when it comes to civic duty. She has committed her time and energy toward the progression and improvement of our Town.

Local Ohtaki/Date City delegates cancel trip

After the recent devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan, a decision was reached by the Ohtaki Twinning Committee to forgo our upcoming visit to Ohtaki/Date City.

Public feedback is always helpful

Our Advisory Planning Commission has now hosted two public consultation sessions.

Downtown Lake Cowichan success story

As many of you know, when it comes to municipal politics it can take a great deal of time to have a goal come to fruition.