Timberline teacher Diana Camerin (left) displays the Prime Minister's Award for teaching Excellence Vancouver Island North MP John Duncan presented to her today.

Timberline teacher Diana Camerin (left) displays the Prime Minister's Award for teaching Excellence Vancouver Island North MP John Duncan presented to her today.

Dynamic Diana receives Prime Minister’s teaching excellence award

The Prime Minister’s Awards for Teaching Excellence honour outstanding elementary and secondary school teachers

Timberline teacher Diana Camerin received her Certificate of Achievement as part of the 2011-12 Prime Minister’s Award for Teaching Excellence today from Vancouver Island North MP John Duncan.

“I am thrilled today to acknowledge the outstanding contribution to learning made by Ms. Diana Camerin,” Duncan said. “With the children and youth of Vancouver Island North benefiting form her passion and creativity, Canada’s future is in good hands.”

The Prime Minister’s Awards for Teaching Excellence honour outstanding elementary and secondary school teachers who, through the innovative use of information and communications technologies in the classroom, help students develop the knowledge and skills to succeed in the digital economy. The Prime Minister’s Awards for Excellence in Early Childhood Education honour exceptional early-childhood educators who help build the foundation that young children need to make the best start in life. It was announced last month that Camerin was to receive the award along with a Certificate of Excellence being awarded to fellow Timberline colleague Dave Coad.

Camerin was presented with her certificate today.

“Diana uses a strong spirit of entrepreneurship to drive all her projects and teaching,” says Timberline principal Kevin Harrison. “It is this ‘we can create our own destiny’ attitude that motivates and energizes her students and community members.”

Ton Longridge, superintendent of schools fro School District 72, said, “Diana’s dynamism, creativity and passion for supporting students with special needs has brought incredible gifts to our school district and the students we serve. Diana was at the heart of a unique project to build the Ed and May Mailman House – a one bedroom fully-functioning house situated on the campus of Timberline Secondary school. The house provides  real home environment which allows students with special needs to learn independent living skills.”

The award presentation was held in Ed and May Mailman House.

Campbell River Mirror