Election 2014: Candidate forums move ahead

The first mayor all-candidates forum will be for Downtown Vernon Association members Monday

There are opportunities for Vernon residents to hear from those campaigning for city hall.

The first mayor all-candidates forum will be for Downtown Vernon Association members Monday  at 7 a.m. at the Century 21 boardroom, 2901 32nd St.

“Confirm your attendance for the forum at 250-542-5851,” said Hailey Rilkoff, DVA events co-ordinator.

On Thursday, the Sustainable Environment Network Society will hold an environmental sustainability all-candidates forum at 7 p.m. at the Schubert Centre.

“With civic municipal elections Nov. 15, we all need to plan ahead to ensure that the best candidates represent us,” said Julia Lissau, SENS secretary-treasurer.

And at the Vernon Performing Arts Centre, there will be a forum for Vernon council candidates Oct. 28 at 7 p.m. and for Coldstream candidates Oct. 30 at 7 p.m.

“The forums provide an opportunity for candidates to state their platforms, and for the public to ask questions both in written form and open mic,” said Brian van Wensem, with the Performing Arts Centre.

There will be no cost for forum participants or audience members, although donations will be accepted for the centre’s children’s theatre fund.


Vernon Morning Star