ELECTION 2014: Candidates respond to Q&A about Mission Raceway Park

DISTRICT OF MISSION: How would you rate your support for Mission Raceway Park

ELECTION 2014: Candidates respond to Q&A about Mission Raceway Park

The Record asked candidates for mayor and council:

Question: On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your support for Mission Raceway Park, with 1 being the lowest in value?

The following are the responses we received, unedited.


Ted Adlem

Mission Raceway Park is a huge community supporter.  They allowed the 2014 BC Winter Games to use their facility at no charge and currently are allowing the MAC to have their haunted house there at no charge.  They are known North America wide and bring a huge amount of tourist dollars to our community.

Wendy Bales

I am not a personal a fan of racing, but it is a good venue for those who are. It is also good venue for music events and helps bring in business to the local economy.  4 would be my rating as not all are happy with the noise and as with most things there is always room for some improvements.

Kevin Francis

On a scale of one to five, with one being the lowest value, I rate my support of Mission Raceway Park as a four. At raceway events, spectators spend an estimated $130 per day off the grounds. Economic Development Officer Stacey Crawford has called it “an under-appreciated asset,” and The Mission Record reported earlier this year that local businesses were feeling economic impacts from cancelled events at the raceway. Residents do complain about the noise, but these complaints can be mitigated. For instance, when the city of Portland received complaints about the noise from its race track, they imposed upper decibel limits, but allowed four events during the year when the track can exceed those limits. Earth berms are very effective for blocking sound and are relatively inexpensive to build.

Randy Hawes

5. I support Mission Raceway however it is important to note that the District attempted to shut down the Raceway nearly 25 years ago and wound up in a lawsuit that was lost very badly. The Raceway has a right to be there as confirmed by the BC Supreme Court. The best thing the District can do is promote the Raceway to help build tourism.

Tony Luck

5. I fully support them. Is it being run as efficiently as it can? I’m not sure, but it’s an important feature in Mission. We need to find way to enhance it to drive tourism and bring more people out here.



Terry Stobbart

I would say a 4.  I do believe in promoting opportunities for fairs, and festivals to come to Mission. I believe in businesses and tourism in our community.  We need to support those already here and invite new opportunities into Mission.  We need to encourage our community to shop local.

Pam Alexis

I am very mindful of the economic benefit of the Mission Raceway. I was also very grateful to them for their support of the Winter Games last February. I see that the Mission Arts Council has their Haunted House there currently…great use of space… I would give them a 5.

Don Forsythe

On a scale of 1 to 5 how would you rate your support for Mission Raceway Park with 1 being the lowest in value? I would rate this as a 3. I like the raceway as it brings many unique elements to Mission and has ernormous future potential. We need to keep working together so that all of the present and future good things Mission had to offer become even better.

Shazad Shah

5. As a supporter of building tourism the racetrack is an attraction that brings people from all over, and with it tourism dollars. Yes there is noise complaints on the weekends but it brings so many people to town and t is a perfect venue to change people`s opinion of Mission.

Terry Gidda

My vote is for 5. I think race track attracts lots people to Mission.

Carol Hamilton

I support the Mission Raceway Park with a 4. I can appreciate some folks are put off by the noise some weekends but the Raceway is an economic driver for Mission.

Rhett Nicholson

That’s easy 5. The Raceway is a part of Mission’s culture. Not only that it brings in 1000’s of tourist’s every weekend. The Racetrack has worked hard to build a very reputable name in the race community and the City should do what it can to showcase them.

Ronn Harris

On a scale of 1 to 5, I would rate my support for the Mission Raceway Park at 3.5. This is only because at present I have yet to explore their full potential to add to the value of the overall community. They certainly are moving forward expanding their venue e.g. the Mission Arts Council’s Tribute to the Walking Dead held there. Further expansion is likely to be more inclusive, and that can only be good for all of us.

Michael Nenn

4 – Having a safe alternative to street racing is certainly in the best public interest. The economic benefits it brings to the District with the crowds drawn for events makes the Mission Raceway a valuable asset to the district as a whole.

Rich Vigurs

On a scale of 1 – 5 I would give the track a 5. Not only does the track have a reputation of being the fastest in North America it is a venue for concerts, puts on drags specifically to keep street racers off the road and has a great dirt bike track. It even caters to the road cyclists through the Phoenix Velo club.

Attila Davalovsky

2. On a scale of 1 to 5, I would have to say 3.5. That’s only because it was a slow year for them with the track being closed for upgrades, but the last part of the season was awesome. It would also be nice to see more events being held there, like the Mission Arts Council’s tribute to the “Walking Dead”. Heard nothing, but great comments even though the weather didn’t hold off.

Danny Plecas

I do support the Mission Raceway (5) . It draws people to our community and there is economic benefit.

Barry Jeske

My support for Mission raceway is 4.5. I actually volunteered at the track in the early 1990’s with a team from Molson Indy Vancouver that came out to assist with the deterioration of the pavement in the corners. Now I visit the track as a spectator two or three times a year.

Dave Hensman

(4) I like the raceway. I think the raceway brings some good unique elements to Mission.  It’s possible that as the town grows a better location may need to be looked at in the future. We need to keep working together, so the good things Mission has to offer become even better.

Jim Hinds

5, but I have to state I can be considered to be in a conflict on this as I worked and volunteered there for over 18 years.

Mission City Record

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