Election 2014: Teachers host trustee forum

School District 22: Vernon, BX and Coldstream residents can find out more about the school board candidates.

Vernon, BX and Coldstream residents can find out more about the school board candidates.

The Vernon Teachers Association and the District Parent Advisory Council will hold a public forum for Vernon and Coldstream school trustee candidates Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the Vernon Secondary School theatre.

“Teachers and parents need allies on the School Board who will be strong leaders and outspoken advocates for our students, our schools, and the community,” said Lisa LaBoucane, VTA first vice-president.

The forum will provide the opportunity for the candidates to share their priorities and positions on issues facing Vernon and Coldstream schools.

It will also give the public the chance to ask questions of the candidates through a moderator.

“Change starts at the ballot box,” said LaBoucane.

“If parents, teachers, and informed citizens and their families vote, we can have a significant impact on our schools and our community.”

Seeking a seat as Vernon/BX trustee are incumbents John Armstrong, Mollie Bono and Kelly Smith, former trustees Steve Connor and Perry Wainwright and newcomers Lisa de Boer and Brenda Giffin.

Coldstream incumbent trustee Bill Turanski is going up against Robert Lee Nov. 15.


Vernon Morning Star