Enderby chamber launches get out the vote campaign

A social media campaign has been launched prior to the Nov. 15 elections in the city and Area F

The Enderby Chamber of Commerce is urging residents in Enderby and Area F to vote Nov. 15.

The Enderby Chamber of Commerce is urging residents in Enderby and Area F to vote Nov. 15.

The Enderby Chamber of Commerce has rolled out a social media plan to encourage everyone to get out and vote in the Nov. 15 civic election.

In the 2011 election, less than 38 per cent of eligible voters went to the polls in the City of Enderby and 10 per cent of eligible voters went to the polls for Area F in the regional district.

“In the last election, almost 5,200 eligible voters did not give themselves the chance to have a voice.  That is significant,” said Corinne Peard, chamber general manager.

The chamber’s messages in this campaign will focus on getting more people out to vote.

The plan invites every citizen to participate and involves all areas of social media:

1. Facebook

Every citizen is invited to change their profile picture to the chamber’s vote icon, which downloadable from www.enderbychamber.com or can be requested at info@enderbychamber.com.

The icon is to be displayed until Nov. 15.

“The choices of messaging include, ‘Your vote does make a difference,’ ‘Make your government work for you’ and ‘Don’t be a silent taxpayer,’” said Peard.

“Post the fact that you are going to vote and invite all your friends to do so. Announce when you have voted on your personal Facebook page or by posting a selfie with the I Voted sticker received after you vote.”

2. Twitter

Change your profile picture to the chamber’s vote icon until Nov. 15.

“Make #enderbyvote prominent in all of your tweets. Tweet an invitation to vote to all of your followers and tweet when you have voted,” said Peard.

“Tweet and ask everyone else to vote too. Use hashtags to encourage conversation — #IVoted, #Vote2014, #BCPoli, #Nov, #enderbyvote.”

3. Email

Use the chamber’s vote icon in your e-mail signature until Nov. 15.

“Send e-mails to your contact lists to encourage them to use their voice and vote,” said Peard.


Add the chamber’s vote icon to your home page and invite everyone to get out and vote.. Link the icon to www.elections.bc.ca.

5. Print

The icon may also be printed from www.enderbychamber.com to be displayed in home and shop windows, by cash registers and in vehicles.











Vernon Morning Star