Enderby church rallies behind refugees

Enderby’s St. Andrew’s United Church has joined forces with Vernon’s Trinity United to sponsor a refugee family.

The local response to the global refugee crisis is expanding.

Enderby’s St. Andrew’s United Church has joined forces with Vernon’s Trinity United to sponsor a refugee family.

“Once a family has been sponsored, our formal commitment is for one year and funds will be required to support their every need, including housing and groceries,” said Rev. Gloria Christian, with St. Andrew’s.

“We are hoping Enderby will be able to help with clothing, furniture and household goods.”

It’s not known when a refugee family may arrive in Vernon.

“We will continue to keep Enderby posted as this project progresses,” said Morgan.

For Enderby residents interested in providing donations, contact standrewsenderby@hotmail.com or 250-838-7315.

Greater Vernon residents can contact Trinity United Church at 250-545-0797.


Vernon Morning Star