Burkhard Fink, with Fink Machine, discusses the City of Enderby's bio-energy system.

Burkhard Fink, with Fink Machine, discusses the City of Enderby's bio-energy system.

Enderby unveils alternate energy source

The bio-energy heating system uses waste wood to heat local municipal buildings.

Work is now complete on the City of Enderby’s bio-energy heating system which uses waste wood to heat local municipal buildings.

The total cost of the project was $296,700. The majority of the funding came from a $276,700 contribution from the federal gas tax fund, with the remaining costs provided by the city.

“The system will reduce greenhouse gasses in the city, while at the same time dramatically reducing operating costs,” said Mayor Howie Cyr.

“This system also promises, through future expansion, to extend these benefits further into the community.”

Lok for more details in Sunday’s Morning Star.

Vernon Morning Star