Evening stroll takes in super moon

Community Association of Oak Bay encourages an evening walk

The one-hour embrace the night walk for July 11 will include a view of the super moon.

“By definition, a super moon is when the full moon coincides with having its closest orbit to earth, creating the illusion of being up to 14 per cent larger than other full moons,” said Ron Carter, embrace the night coordinator. “During our walk we hope to catch the moon as it rises over the ocean from the horizon. Just a sideshow of course, from our real purpose of a one-hour stroll throughout beautiful Oak Bay, minus the need for our (electronic)devices.

“We also enjoy mingling and meeting new people while we walk far away from our evening chores, domestic woes and sedentary habits.”

The walk begins at the Oak Bay Kiwanis Tea Room at the foot of Dalhousie Street in Willows Beach Park. The route goes along the eastern waterfront to catch the moonrise at the Cattle Point Star Park and perhaps a few new pieces of the summer art now in place.

The walk ends at Willows Beach Park Tea Room or the Cattle Point Star Park.

“If you like, bring binoculars to enhance the experience to see the full moon up really close or catch some of the interesting feathered fauna along the shoreline,” said Carter.


Oak Bay News