Faulty part may have caused Alder Street sinkhole

The source of the leak was determined Wednesday to be isolated and appears to be the result of a faulty component

A faulty part used in construction work done last month near the intersection of South Alder Street and Rockland Road may be to blame for a large sink hole at the top of the South Alder hill.

Jason Hartley, the city’s capital works manager, said the source of the leak was determined Wednesday to be isolated and appears to be the result of a faulty component.

“The failed component is part of the new Pressure Reducing Valve station installed at this location so repairs are being dealt with under terms of that contract,” Hartley said.

Replacement parts were due to be in Campbell River Thursday morning, however they missed the overnight courier and were en route Thursday morning and expected to arrive either later in the day or early Friday morning, after the Mirror went to press.

Hartley said as soon as the parts arrived, they would be tested and if successful, installed.

The water main under the road broke just before Christmas.

The city was notified via its emergency after-hours line on Christmas Eve that a break in a 16-inch transmission line had collapsed a chunk of pavement in the northbound lane near the curb side.

Since then, the hole has been cordoned off while the road has remained open.

Hartley said although the hole cannot be permanently fixed for another few months, the road will remain open to traffic.

“Unfortunately the water leak did cause some damage to the pavement which will have to wait until the spring to be repaired as the asphalt plant is currently shut down for winter,” Hartley said. “Temporary repairs will be in place until that time and traffic will be returned to normal two-way with the plan being that (temporary repairs) will be done by the end of the day (Friday).”

The city said that while there was no damage to nearby properties, South Alder Street showed signs of water flowing beneath the surface along the edge of the road as far as Candy Lane.

Hartley said water main breaks do occur and they are routinely dealt with.

Campbell River Mirror