Fire breaks out in Clover Park Gardens

Apartment blaze contained to one unit, extent of damage not yet clear

Residents leaving their neighbouring units, dogs in hand.

Residents leaving their neighbouring units, dogs in hand.

A fire broke out in the Clover Park Gardens complex on 60 Avenue in downtown Cloverdale Monday morning.

The fire was contained to a single unit of the apartment complex, but the extent of the damage to neighbouring units is not yet clear.

David Wright was driving to a haircut appointment when he saw the smoke. His daughter is a resident in one of the apartment units, and he pulled into the parking lot.

“I knew there was no campfires in there,” he said. “So I called it in.”

Witnesses on scene said the fire was put out soon after Surrey Fire arrived on scene. Surrey Fire Service Hall 8 is only a few blocks away.

The blaze was contained to one apartment unit of the Clover Park Gardens complex on 60 Avenue. Sam Anderson

One resident said he’d “hate to think what would’ve happened if the fire started at night.”

“The whole place could’ve been up (in flames) before anyone noticed,” he said.

Instead of evacuating after hearing a fire alarm, residents from units across the parking lot were alerted to their neighbour’s fire by the sirens of emergency responders.


Cloverdale Reporter