First stage of Abbotsford community plan complete

The first stage of the Abbotsforward official community plan (OCP) update project is now complete

Abbotsford is in the process of updating its official community plan.

Abbotsford is in the process of updating its official community plan.

The first stage of the Abbotsforward official community plan (OCP) update project is now complete.

City council received a report with the initial research and data collection, summarizing preliminary feedback received through several community engagement opportunities, including statistics relating to Abbotsford’s population, housing and jobs.

Mayor Bruce Banman said the report focuses on planning for a future population of 200,000 people, rather than a time frame.

The updated OCP will use this target population for developing a community vision and identifying areas suitable for growth within the city.

The report includes the observation that Abbotsford is a complete city, but made up of incomplete neighbourhoods. The report shows this by illustrating many city elements – housing and job locations, park and trail networks, street connections, and gathering places – and describing how they fit together.

The next step of Abbotsforward is the start of stage two, which will use the information gathered in the background research report to develop themes and trends that will be discussed in the community in early 2015. Planned citizen engagement activities include online surveys, citizen circles and more roadshow events at various locations throughout the community.

The full background research report can be viewed at or further project information can be viewed at, or follow on Twitter at @abbotsforward.

Abbotsford News