For profit health care is a threat to Canada’s medicare system

Canadians are asked to stand up as well and fight for their right to proper health care.

Ed Staples, president of SOHC discusses the crisis Canadian medicare is facing during the MP Forum held at the Legion on Wednesday. Staples extends an invitation for all to attend the rally at Veterans Square at noon on March 31.

Ed Staples, president of SOHC discusses the crisis Canadian medicare is facing during the MP Forum held at the Legion on Wednesday. Staples extends an invitation for all to attend the rally at Veterans Square at noon on March 31.

The Canada Health Accord will expire on March 31, 2014.

Citizens across Canada are writing letters, posting video and organizing rallies to convince the government that Canada needs a new Health Accord that guarantees Canadians to improved and sustainable health care.

According to the Canadian Health Coalition, the expiry of the Health Accord means the end of federal leadership in health care and cuts of $36 billion to health transfers over 10 years.


Currently the Canadian Medicare system is facing a battle in the courts and could possibly result in becoming a US-style medicare system.

Dr. Brian Day owner of the Cambie Surgery Centre in Vancouver, B.C., is challenging the current medicare system.

His clinic is reported as being a for-profit clinic known for unlawfully billing patients and the taxpayer-funded Medical Services Plan.

If he wins this case, the public health care system we rely upon could disappear. Costs for medical insurance would become much higher than many Canadian families could afford and wait times for doctor services would increase to those who can’t afford the access.

The B.C. Health Coalition and Canadian Doctors for Medicare are standing up for Canadians in court. Canadians are asked to stand up as well and fight for their right to proper health care. Visit or to see how you can take action or to get more information.

Princeton will be joining 32 other communities across Canada in a National Day of Action in support of Public Health Care. Residents are invited to show their  support by attending the rally on March 31 in Veterans Square at noon. Residents are also encouraged to bring a red umbrella with them or to wear something red.


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