Former Clearwater resident receives Jubilee medal

A man who grew up in Clearwater, Insp. Peter Haring of Prince George, has received a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Award medal

Former Clearwater resident Peter Haring (l) and his wife June receive a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Award medal from M.P. Dick Harris. The presentation was made on Aug. 8 in Prince George.

Former Clearwater resident Peter Haring (l) and his wife June receive a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Award medal from M.P. Dick Harris. The presentation was made on Aug. 8 in Prince George.

A man who grew up in Clearwater, Peter Haring, was one of 13 residents of Prince George to receive a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Award medal during a presentation in that city on Aug. 8.

Haring and his June Haring received the medal from Caribou-Prince George M.P. Dick Harris.

Peter Haring is an inspector with the RCMP in Prince George while June is an artist who has occasionally shown her work in Clearwater as well as in Valemount, Jasper and Prince George (see her work at

The couple was recognized for individual leadership in making significant contributions to neighbor, to community and to society at large.

June and Peter have cared for and fostered for 55 children over the last 23 years. The children they have cared for have had fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, physical disabilities, cerebral palsy, brain cysts and absent right hemisphere, burns, ADHD, transmitted venereal diseases, skin disorders, malnutrition, cocaine addition and physical injuries.

The couple works as a team providing nurturing environment and advocating for children in their care. They constantly work in their community with professionals and give children the very best care possible.


Clearwater Times