Forrest re-elected as mayor of Lake Cowichan

Incumbent beats nearest challenger Wendy Klyne by roughly 200 votes

Ross Forrest will return to the mayor’s chair in Lake Cowichan, as a result of Saturday’s municipal election.

Forrest will be joined on the new town council by incumbent councillors Bob Day and Tim McGonigle, and newcomers Lorna Vomacka and Carolyne Austin.

Lake Cowichan voters also rejected, by a margin of 618 to 466, the referendum question on the ballot. It asked residents whether they supported using tax dollars to help the Chesterfield Sports Society with costs associated with the operation and maintenance of the Cowichan Sportsplex.

Voter turnout for the election was 49 per cent.

See more details in the Wednesday edition of the Lake Cowichan Gazette.

Lake Cowichan Gazette