Free Internet access disrupted

On Nov. 30, Freenet, which is currently available at Spirit Square, will be disconnected for two months

The plug is being pulled temporarily on free Internet access in part of downtown Vernon.

On Nov. 30, Freenet, which is currently available on the south side of the old library building and in Spirit Square, will be disconnected for two months so the service can be expanded.

“Freenet is used the most lightly in winter, so we hope the impact on the public will be less now compared to any other time of year,” said Wayne Ikesaka, the city’s manager of information services.

Freenet will be re-located to areas that are more heavily used by the public.

It is projected to be available again by Feb. 1 at Cenotaph Park, the downtown transit exchange, the pathway between the transit exchange and the museum, the south side of the old library and Spirit Square.

Freenet was installed more than four years ago to service the civic complex surrounding the old library.

Public spaces like Spirit Square, the transit exchange and the pathway between 31 and 32 avenues have been added so it’s necessary to relocate the existing Freenet equipment.


Vernon Morning Star