FVRD water management is tops in B.C.

Regional district runs 12 water systems and three sewer systems

The Fraser Valley Regional District (FVRD) received the 2014 Award for Excellence in the Water and Waste Community at the BC Water and Waste Association Awards Committee last month.

The award reflects the regional district’s efforts to address known servicing and treatment gaps within the FVRD electoral areas. Since 2006, the FVRD has invested about $20 million to water and sewer upgrades.

The FVRD operates 12 water systems, including five on the north side of the Fraser River, such as the water systems in Hatzic Prairie, Dewdney, Deroche, Lake Errock and Morris Valley.

The regional district also runs three sewer systems.

“By improving system capacity, reliability, delivery and efficiency, the FVRD is on a path toward a very sustainable future,” said Tareq Islam, FVRD director of engineering and community services.

The BCWWA is a non-profit organization that facilitates networking and knowledge sharing opportunities for water and wast water industry professionals in B.C. and the Yukon.

Mission City Record