The new Grohman Narrows transfer station is seen last October. Work is entering the final stages, with a grand opening now slated for July 7.

The new Grohman Narrows transfer station is seen last October. Work is entering the final stages, with a grand opening now slated for July 7.

Grohman Narrows transfer station set to open in July

The new transfer station at Grohman Narrows, which will serve Nelson and area, is now expected to be “fully functional” on July 7.

The new transfer station at Grohman Narrows, which will serve Nelson and area, is now expected to be “fully functional” on July 7.

Mike Morrison, resource recovery manager for the Regional District of Central Kootenay, says the opening was originally scheduled for June 24 but has been pushed back a couple of weeks.

“The project isn’t finished yet. There will be construction through probably mid-June,” he said. However, “as the major components are completed, we’re looking at some savings over the original budget.”

While the projected cost was just over $3.1 million, it’s now expected to come in at $2.9 million, including some contingencies.

The transfer station will replace the existing one on the Nelson waterfront, although recycling depots will be maintained in both places at least on an interim basis until it’s clear what’s happening with Multi-Material BC.

Although the regional district thought it signed on for financial incentives from the industry stewardship program, they have since been told they won’t be included until 2015 at the earliest.

Morrison said contractors are currently erecting buildings and installing electrical systems and gates at the new transfer station, while new equipment will be tested and commissioned in June. But the work is still “more or less on schedule.”

The new transfer station is about five kilometres west of the city, near Pacific Insight. Attendants and operators at the current waterfront site will be transferred there.

Nelson Star