Reader James Rocky Gray sent us this photo of the bear on the rock face over the old bridge, taken last month. The bear has since been painted over.

Reader James Rocky Gray sent us this photo of the bear on the rock face over the old bridge, taken last month. The bear has since been painted over.

Group takes responsibility for covering Kermode painting

The painting had become unofficial symbol for Terrace, BC

A GROUP calling itself Kermode Independent Defence Systems (KIDS) is taking credit for covering the Kermode bear symbol painted on a rock bluff looking over the old Skeena Bridge.

Calling it an “unsightly piece of vandalism,” the KIDS “have done this to draw attention to the impending disappearance of Moksgm’ol (spirit bear),” reads an undated and unsigned handwritten letter dropped off at The Terrace Standard last night.

Too many industrial projects threaten fish and game habitat in our region,” the statement continues.

The symbol, first painted approximately 20 years ago, had become an unofficial viewing attraction for locals and tourists.

It was painted over sometime in the last two weeks, drawing comment and questions about who might be responsible.

The KIDS are a non-violent action group dedicated to the preservation of the fishing and hunting lifestyle,” reads the statement.

KIDS hold progressive conservative family values. Our children should know the joy of teaching their grandchildren to hunt and fish.

We will not allow industry to trample on our futures,” the statement concludes.


Terrace Standard