Have a safe Oct. 31, Mounties say

The RCMP wants everyone to have a fabulous Halloween

The RCMP wants everyone to have a fabulous Halloween, and they’re also passing along these safety reminders:

  • Wear makeup instead of a mask. This will allow you to see and be aware of everything going on around you while walking house to house.
  • Wear reflective clothing.
  • Wear sure your costume does not drag on the ground so you don’t trip.
  • Wear comfortable shoes, even if they don’t go with your costume.
  • It is safer to carry flexible props (e.g. magic wands, swords).
  • Carry a flashlight so you can see where you are going.
  • Stay in familiar neighborhoods.
  • Stay on the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, walk on the left side of the road facing traffic.
  • Obey traffic signals and give traffic the right of way.
  • Only approach houses that have the outside lights turned on.
  • Stay away from pets you don’t know.
  • Trick-or-treat in groups.

And now for the parents:

  • Discuss with your children what they should do to call home in case of emergency.
  • If your children go on their own, be sure they wear a watch, preferably one that can be read in the dark.
  • If you buy a costume, look for one made of flame retardant material.
  • Older children should know where to reach you and when to be home.
  • Although tampering is rare, tell children to bring the candy home to be inspected before consuming anything. Look at the wrapping carefully and toss out anything that looks suspect.
  • Make sure your yard is clear of such things as ladders, hoses, dog leashes and flower pots that can trip the young ones.
  • Pets get frightened on Halloween; put them inside to protect them from cars or inadvertently biting a trick-or-treater.
  • Refrain from handing out treats that contain peanuts or peanut butter, as many children are allergic.

Campbell River Mirror