Highway to Little Fort gets improvements

This year marks the 25th anniversary if ICBC’s road improvement program

Last year ICBC contributed $46,700 towards shoulder widening, installing barriers, pavement markings and treatments, as well as improved drainage from Little Fort to Blackwater Road in Blackpool.

According to the provincial insurance corporation, it also invested $30,600 to install shoulder and centreline rumble strips along the same section of Highway 5 in 2014.

“For the past quarter-century, ICBC and the B.C. government have been making roads safer for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians through the road improvement program,” said Terry Lake, MLA for Kamloops-North Thompson. “These new initiatives in Little Fort are examples of our ongoing commitment to save lives.”

This year marks the 25th anniversary if ICBC’s road improvement program, with over $130 million invested in B.C. roads since 1990.

In 2014, ICBC invested approximately $2 million in the Southern Interior and $7.7 million in projects and safety audits across the province.

“Whether it’s through improved signage, rumble strips or pedestrian countdown timers, ICBC’s road improvement program is making roads safer for drivers and pedestrians,” said Todd Stone, Minister of Transportation and MLA for Kamloops-South Thompson.

If you have a suggestion for making a road or intersection safer in your community, contact your local municipality or make a suggestion through icbc.com.


Barriere Star Journal