Dr. Eva Idanwekhai, Susan Brown and Ed Staples cut and serve cake during the social part of the celebration held at the Riverside Centre on October 10.

Dr. Eva Idanwekhai, Susan Brown and Ed Staples cut and serve cake during the social part of the celebration held at the Riverside Centre on October 10.

Honouring the past, welcoming the future

100 people came together to honour locals for service and the opportunity to meet the new doctors.

A celebration to honour those who have worked to provide medical services and uphold medical standards in Princeton during the past, in the present and welcoming those who will provide them in the future was held on October 10 at the Riverside Centre.

Jeff Larsen, manager of Princeton Weyerhauser and member of the Industry Stakeholders group emceed the evening, introduced guest speakers and passed along greetings and congratulations from MP Alex Atamanenko and MLA Jackie Tegart, who were unable to attend the celebration.

Guest speakers included; Andrew Neuner – Interior Health vice president of Community Integration, Dr. Curtis Bell, Mayor Frank Armitage, Area H director Brad Hope, Ed Staples and Susan Brown.

Numerous thank you’s were extended for the efforts and hard work of those involved in the processes of regaining 24/7 ER care and planning for the future of Princeton’s medical care.

Included in the thank you’s were the Industry Stakeholders; Jeff Larsen, Ivan Louie, Solana Allison, Dave Rainer, Jason Earle, Town of Princeton, RDOS, BRad Hope, the Division of Family Practice, Valerie Tregillus, Susan Bown and colleagues, Claire-Ann Brodie, Miya Carlson, the Support Our Health Care and Save Our Similkameen groups, Janice Perrino, Dr. Barb Pesut, the Princeton Health Care Steering Committee, nurses, staff, food service personell, BC Ambulance members as well as administrative workers— thanked for their work and support.

Dr. John Adams was honoured for his dedicated service to Princeton for 30 years.

Dr. David Smith, Dr. Eva Idanwekhai and nurse practioner Tanya Ter keurs were extended special thanks for being the mainstays in health care for the community during the past 16 months.

Dr. Curtis Bell introduced two of Princeton’s three new doctors, Dr. Ella Monro and Dr. Devinder Sandhu. Dr. Colleen Black was on duty in the just re-opened ER and was not able to attend the celebration.

The evening ended with social time after the cutting and serving of cakes made and decorated for the evenings event by Jeanie Williams and April Earle.



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