On Feb. 10 Houston Finning had an open house to welcome the new branch manager Shaun Bilodeau. Bilodeau is the branch manager for Finning in Terrace, and says he’ll be frequently commuting between Houston and Terrace to work. “Houston Finning has a great staff, great customers, it’s great to be here,” commented Bilodeau.

On Feb. 10 Houston Finning had an open house to welcome the new branch manager Shaun Bilodeau. Bilodeau is the branch manager for Finning in Terrace, and says he’ll be frequently commuting between Houston and Terrace to work. “Houston Finning has a great staff, great customers, it’s great to be here,” commented Bilodeau.

Houston Finning new branch manager

Houston Finning had an open house to welcome the new branch manager Shaun Bilodeau.

On Feb. 10 Houston Finning had an open house to welcome the new branch manager Shaun Bilodeau. Bilodeau is the branch manager for Finning in Terrace, and says he’ll be frequently commuting between Houston and Terrace to work.“Houston Finning has a great staff, great customers, it’s great to be here,” commented Bilodeau.

Houston Today