ICF calls for letters to Ottawa

A letter writing campaign is underway by people interested in saving passenger rail service on Vancouver Island

A letter writing campaign to the Prime Minister’s Office by people interested in saving passenger rail service on Vancouver Island could make a difference in saving the rail service, says Graham Bruce, chief operating officer for the Island Corridor Foundation.

Bruce said that Ottawa is expected to make a decision later this month on whether or not it will invest $7.5 million in rail infrastructure improvements for the line.

“I am confident if Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his Minister of Transport Denis Label got enough letters from us supporting the investment our tax dollars in our railroad it would be a done deal,” said Bruce in a release.

The province has committed $7.5 million but is contingent on matching funds from the feds. The railroad rebuilding plan calls for $15 million to improve the infrastructure enough to allow passenger service for 10 years.

The ICF is an organization made up of five regional districts on Vancouver Island and 13 First Nations runs through or is adjacent to.

ICF has posted the PMO’s and Lebel’s contact information on its website at www.islandrail.ca.

Nanaimo News Bulletin