Immigration survey underway

The survey will be conducted by a professional research firm and co-ordinated by Pinnacle Communications and Media.

Vernon residents may get a phone call about immigration.

Starting this week and lasting for 10 days, the Social Planning Council will be surveying residents about immigration and potential opportunities to make Vernon more welcoming to newcomers.

“This could include more awareness about existing services, more community events or festivals, or addressing areas where more information is needed,” said Annette Sharkey, with the Social Planning Council.

The survey will be conducted by a professional research firm and co-ordinated by Pinnacle Communications and Media.

The Social Planning Council has received funding from Citizenship and Immigration Canada to create an immigration and settlement strategy in Vernon.  The strategy is being developed in conjunction with the Local Immigration Partnership Council.

“Immigrants provide important cultural diversity to local communities as well as skills, investment and an entrepreneurial spirit,” said Sharkey.

Canada has an aging demographic with a declining birth rate and Sharkey says Vernon will need to depend on immigration for social and economic growth in the upcoming decades.

“We are competing on a global stage for talent so it is important for Vernon to have a plan to attract and keep immigrants in our community.”

Beyond the survey, the Social Planning Council will also be working with consultants to interview employers, immigrants, and agencies on where there may be gaps and how to best address them as the area develops a settlement strategy.

For more information, contact


Vernon Morning Star