Mayor Lawrence Chernoff and the City's new bylaw buggy.

Mayor Lawrence Chernoff and the City's new bylaw buggy.

In Castlegar you’ll see him coming

City of Castlegar goes the Smart route with bylaw enforcement vehicle

A press release from the City of Castlegar declares a determination to move forward with energy conservation and frugality. Their new vehicle appears to fit those bills to a “T.”

It’s a Smart Fortwo that gets 40 mpg in the city with a 1.0L 3- cylinder motor.

“We are pleased to have bought it local from Kalawsky GM and had the graphics done locally at HTR Designs and Graphics,” reads the press release in part.

The 2010 Smart replaces a 12-year-old bylaw replacement car.

The new unit was unveiled at the Council meeting of Tuesday, May 21.

Castlegar News