Know before you go on a trip

The best route to travel on the holidays is a planned route

Motorists heading out for the holiday season can get all the information they need for a safe and informed trip by visiting

Current highway conditions, travel advisories and closures are always available on the DriveBC website. The site is updated continuously to reflect the latest highway conditions throughout the province.

A new Plan Your Route feature has been added that provides DriveBC information along your chosen route and is available for both the desktop and mobile DriveBC websites. Drive BC also features route-specific weather forecasts, and, with more than 250 highway webcams strategically placed around the province, motorists can also see the real-time highway conditions.

DriveBC updates are also available on Twitter and Facebook and motorists can register for text messages and e-mail to receive up-to-date information on their desktop or mobile device.

Calls for roadside assistance double during the winter with drivers reporting breakdowns, dead batteries and other problems. These situations can be avoided with planning and preparation. Drive BC features useful tips on preparing your vehicle for a winter trip.

Motorists should also install good winter-tread tires. Eighty sections of mountainous highway experience challenging winter conditions.

Drivers may be ticketed or turned back for failing to obey signs stating, “Use winter tires or carry chains beyond this point.”

Driving conditions in British Columbia can change suddenly and dramatically. What starts off as a sunny day can quickly give way to a blizzard. Conditions can improve just as quickly, so delaying your departure for an hour or two can make a big difference.

Know before you go by checking DriveBC for the latest weather and road conditions.

100 Mile House Free Press