Leaders in Vernon sport pitched support

The Funtastic Sports Society board of directors has announced a decision to further expand their commitment to community programming...

The Funtastic Sports Society board of directors has announced a decision to further expand their commitment to community programming by supporting sport leadership initiatives in Vernon.

The society has chosen PacificSport Okanagan to be a partner recipient of funding to support two spring programs. Both programs are open for registration and additional information can be found on the PacificSport page in the Parks and Recreation Spring/Summer leisure guide.

PacificSport Okanagan will receive $4,000 for a one-day coaching conference and a youth sports leadership program.

“We are thrilled to be able to offer support to local coaches and athletes so they can continue their development,” said Funtastic Sports Society president Brett Kirkpatrick. “We chose a partnership with PacificSport for the expertise they bring in many segments of community sport.”

“PacificSport Okanagan is extremely grateful to Funtastic for their financial support which will allow us to develop two new leadership programs that will support the local sport community,” added Shannon Smart of PacificSport Okanagan.

The one-day, grassroots coach conference is ideal for coaches – especially parents coaching youth teams – who want to improve physical literacy for children in their community.

Attendees will be introduced to a variety of useful information, designed to provide sport education opportunities and hands-on training skills. PacificSport Okanagan will assist local sport organizations wishing to have members participate in the coaching conference.

Smart said the PacificSport Okanagan Youth Sports Leadership Program is a great opportunity for youth  to get involved in sport leadership.

Local youth in Grades 10 through 12 are invited to attend to see what it is like to be a coach, gain valuable work experience, and receive sport leadership training.


Vernon Morning Star