Live streaming ends

Summerland’s council meetings will no longer be streamed live online, but few are likely to notice the change.

Summerland’s council meetings will no longer be streamed live online, but few are likely to notice the change.

On Monday, municipal council voted to discontinue the live streaming of the meetings.

Summerland began the live web streaming in 2010 in an effort to make public proceedings more accessible, but the service has not received much use from the public.

Over the past year, only a few people each month have used the service. The highest use was in April, when seven people took advantage of the service.

In June, August, November and January, just two people used the web streaming.

“Now that the service has been in operation for a few years, the data shows that the costs might not justify the usage,” Jeremy Denegar, director of corporate services, said in a report to council.

Live streaming costs the municipality $13,157.76 a year while an alternative web video service has a price tag of $133.73 a year.

The meetings will still be broadcast on Shaw TV, Channel 11, Wednesdays and Fridays at 11 a.m. Video coverage of the meetings will use Vimeo Plus.


Summerland Review