Local cops raise $365,000

Cops for Kids event another big success in the Southern Interior

The mountain passes may have slowed them down, but the rain, hail and scorching heat didn’t stop the North Okanagan contingent on the recent Cops For Kids ride around southeastern B.C.

North Okanagan RCMP constables Nick Reimann, Cheryl Heber and Krista Boudreau, auxiliary Const. Peter Foodikoof, B.C. sheriff Tanya Smith and municipal employees Kevin Lane and Denise McMahon were part of 31 law enforcement officials who cycled 1,000 kilometres in 10 days in the 15th annual Cops For Kids ride.

The route included the gruelling Anarchist Mountain pass over Osoyoos, and the Paulson Summit in the Kootenays.

Wrapping up the 2015 season, a record-breaking $365,000 was raised to support children living in southeastern B.C. who require transportation to B.C. Children’s Hospital, specialized therapies, learning and mobility aids.

These funds will support ongoing requests from families who turn to Cops for Kids when there’s nowhere else to turn.

To pull off such a feat, the cyclists and support crew would like to thank the local supporters who were so generous to the team not only during their fundraising, but also for hosting the team so fundraising dollars can go to the children who need it most.


Vernon Morning Star