Local MLA questions Jumbo resort approval

The B.C. government announced today approval to develop a resort in the Jumbo Valley. Local MLA Katrine Conroy was surprised by the move.

The provincial government announced today approval to develop a ski resort in the Jumbo Valley. This comes 20 years after the initial plans for the year-round resort were put forward.

Kootenay West MLA Katrine Conroy said the move is surprising as well as a devastating blow to the area.

“People in Kootenay West have written and e-mailed me to say they strongly disagree with building a resort in the Jumbo Valley,” said Conroy.  “It doesn’t make sense environmentally or economically.

Conroy added that it was recently discovered that the proponent does not have a financial backer, despite years of claiming otherwise.

“So this project has no support and no money, but the government is determined to try and force it through,” she said.

She said that the Ktunaxa, who consider the Jumbo Valley to be sacred, have been very clear that they will not allow this development to proceed.

“This is tremendously disrespectful to make this announcement in Victoria instead of coming and facing the people in the area.”

Rossland News