Local restaurants take part in AIDS fundraiser

Locals can dine out for a good cause.

On Thursday, March 24, patrons will enjoy great food and help raise essential funds for AIDS Vancouver Island by eating at Haro’s Restaurant and Bar, the Spitfire Grill, and Brentwood Bay Lodge’s SeaGrille.

“We’re pleased to have such great participation from restaurants in Sidney and Brentwood Bay,” said Katrina Jensen, executive director of AIDS Vancouver Island. “Diners can easily make a huge impact on the lives of so many in need in our community simply by going out to dinner on March 24.”

On that day, 65 participating restaurants across Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands will donate 25 per cent of their food sales to AIDS Vancouver Island. In addition to the restaurants’ donations, diners are encouraged to make individual offerings. And the generosity doesn’t stop there — Stella Artois will contribute $1 from every sale of their beer at participating restaurants on March 24.

This year there is a spectacular prize — diners can also enter a draw for the chance to win a cruise for two, courtesy of ExpediaCruiseShipCentres (Vancouver Island) and Holland America Line.

AIDS Vancouver Island has provided community health services focused on the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C since 1985.

For more information or to make a donation, visit www.diningoutforlife.com/vancouverisland or call AIDS Vancouver Island at 250-384-2366.


Peninsula News Review