The eighty riders including Wen, Wesley and Sharon Wong (front) enjoyed supper compliments of the Princeton Baptist Church and an overnight campout at Memorial Park. (beside Centennial Pool)

The eighty riders including Wen, Wesley and Sharon Wong (front) enjoyed supper compliments of the Princeton Baptist Church and an overnight campout at Memorial Park. (beside Centennial Pool)

Love in Motion Tour appreciates Princeton

A group of 80 riders made the decent into Princeton during the afternoon of July 3.

A group of 80 riders made the decent into Princeton during the afternoon of July 3. In this group of riders are former residents; pharmacist Wen Wong and his son, Wesley (father and son team who are part of the Tenth Church Team) and wife Sharon (Support Driver). Wen, Wesley and Sharon are participating in the one week Valley and the Mountains part of the tour.

One of the riders known as, Spurgeon, brought 45 two pound memory blocks (blocks containing the names of people who have died – homicide victims, clients of the program Spurgeon works at in the inner city). Other riders and support staff are helping carry the blocks during the ride. “It is meaningful to the people back home,” said Spurgeon, “we carry the blocks bearing the names of their loved ones and we offer a prayer for the families.”

The riders are participating in the The Love in Motion Tour 2014 – a ride across Canada to raise awareness and funds to support various projects across Canada.

Issues like poverty, youth violence, family breakdown and challenges for newcomers to Canada relate to the projects the riders are working hard to promote and raise funds for. This years projects include; Ruth and Naomi’s Mission – Hope for the Homeless, Chilliwack, BC, The Second Mile – Hot Soup and a Healing Home, Vernon, BC, Encompass Partnerships – The Gospel for a Medley of Subcultures, Calgary, AB, Millbourne Community Centre, Edmonton, AB, The Gospel Transforming “the worst neighbourhood in Canada”, Regina, SK, Good News Chapel, Regina, SK, Vibrant Life in Rural Manitoba, Portage la Prairie, MB, Lightpoints at Jane and Finch – Reaching Out to Jane and Finch, Toronto, ON, Welcoming Newcomers, Toronto, ON, Hope for a New Generation, Montreal, QC, and a special motorcycle project will purchase motorcycles for agricultural specialists in Niger, Africa.

Bicyclists, including a tandem bike and riders left Vancouver on June 30. The first part of the tour, named Valley and the Mountains (Vancouver to Vernon) consists of the 80 riders, the youngest being 19 and the eldest 74 years of age.

“Seventeen of this group will travel all the way to Halifax,” said ride organizer Matt Campbell. Various numbers of riders will travel different sections of the tour, some the whole tour.

High Mountain Passes runs from Vernon to Calgary, The Northern Route – Calgary to Saskatoon, Great Plains and Tailwinds – Saskatoon/Regina to Winnipeg, Northern Ontario Express – Winnipeg to Wawa, the Great Lakes Adventure – Wawa to Toronto, Rivers and Canals – Toronto to Montreal, the Great St. Lawrence – Montreal to Bathurst and the East Coast – Bathurst to Halifax.

The riders are hosted throughout the tour by churches and groups from within the communities they ride through.

The Princeton Baptist Church provided the riders with a barbecued supper.

Pastor Mel Reimer and his wife Sherry along with church members;  Leanne, Holly and Graham, Peter and Marja and Kyle brought and prepared dinner for the riders at Memorial Park.

“We have been well taken care of,” said Campbell, The Town of Princeton, Parks and Rec gave us a place to stay, the Baptist Church fed us and even Jai from Golden Hills gave us a great deal on ice cream.”

After a well deserved rest, the riders left Princeton on their way to Vernon, Friday morning.

If you are interested in keeping up with the tour, please visit


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