Enderby residents can take a look at a proposed redevelopment of Cliff Avenue at an open house Jan. 26.

Enderby residents can take a look at a proposed redevelopment of Cliff Avenue at an open house Jan. 26.

Main street redesign goes before Enderby residents

City looks at redevelopment of Cliff Avenue to bolster the economy and renew infrastructure

Enderby residents can have a say in the future of their downtown core.

The City of Enderby will hold an open house Jan. 26 so residents and businesses can learn more about the conceptual design and construction plan for Cliff Avenue.

“Cliff Avenue is an important part of our downtown and is also the gateway to Mabel Lake,” said Mayor Greg McCune.

“As our infrastructure on this street is at the end of its lifecycle, we knew that this was our year to take a bold step forward.  Council has worked hard in co-operation with city staff, engineers, and architects to come up with a design that beautifies our downtown.  The design represents the core values which make Enderby great while also being mindful of costs.  The renewal of Cliff Avenue will draw highway traffic into town and attract tourists from Barnes Park and Mabel Lake into our retail sector.”

The proposal calls for enhanced traffic and pedestrian safety through a raised intersection at Cliff Avenue and Belvedere Street that doubles as a public plaza, seating, rain garden, street trees and pier-themed gateway structures.

“The new streetscape will support cultural and social events while creating a beautiful and vibrant streetscape that will help to enhance economic activity,” said McCune.

During redevelopment of Cliff Avenue, infrastructure will be replaced, including the road, sidewalks and water lines.

At the open house, the architecture and engineering firms working with the city on the design will explain the concept and answer questions about the construction schedule.

The open house will be at city hall from 4 to 6 p.m.

For information, go to www.cityofenderby.com.








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