The crew of a Cormorant helicopter receives a patient from BC Ambulance paramedics at a logging road near Holberg.

The crew of a Cormorant helicopter receives a patient from BC Ambulance paramedics at a logging road near Holberg.

Man medevaced from Holberg

The 422 Transport and Rescue Squadron responded Monday to medevac an injured man from a logging site near Holberg.

HOLBERG—The 422 Transport and Rescue Squadron responded Monday to medevac an injured man from a logging site near Holberg.

Joint Rescue Coordination Centre Victoria received the call for assistance from B.C. Ambulance after the middle-aged man was struck by a falling branch.  Although paramedics were able to evacuate the man from the logging site, it became apparent that he was in need of urgent care.

With fog, low clouds and rain in the area, Air Controllers at JRCC called 442 Transport and Rescue Squadron and a Cormorant helicopter crew took off from their base at 19 Wing Comox.

“We had bad weather most of the way,” said Major Troy Maa, aircraft commander.  “We were flying by instruments, but we were able to pick out a landing spot on a logging road where we met the ambulance.”

Once on the ground, the crew loaded the patient on board and was soon airborne.

“Because changes in air pressure may have complicated the patient’s condition, we had to be careful and stay at low altitude for the return flight,” said Master Corporal Giles Bagley, Search and Rescue Technician.

Unable to fly over the weather, the pilots used the navigation and instrument systems of the helicopter to fly though the clouds to Victoria.

The patient was transferred to hospital in stable condition.  His present medical status is unknown.


North Island Gazette