Mayor’s Report

Mayor Ross Forrest discusses new crosswalks, primary health care and more.

New crosswalks

I am pleased to announce that we have acquired funding approval from the Insurance Corporation of BC to cost share the installation of pedestrian-activated flashers for our crosswalks. ICBC has agreed to cost-share with the Town the purchase and installation of two pedestrian-activated flashers for this year and two for next year.

We will install one crosswalk by the Palsson School and Friendship Trail and the other by Lake Cowichan School as soon as possible. We will complete the other two crossings at Darnell and near the Library with ICBC’s 2015 grant funding. We are very appreciative of the ICBC’s commitment towards ensuring traffic safety in our town.

Primary Health Care

The open house hosted by Cowichan Lake Health Care Service was very informative to those who attended.

The opportunity to learn of health support services available in managing our health and wellness and chronic conditions were provided at this event.

There are many Primary Health Care Services you can access by calling 250-749-6878 or you can stop by 58 Cowichan Ave. to book an Intake appointment.

The opportunity to have an assessment with a Registered Dietician/Nutritionist, a Behavioral Health Clinician,  a Primary Health Care Nurse or to have a Physical Assessment with a Personal Trainer is now available  for those who want to better manage their health.

Education programs, workshops and courses are available on a variety of topics that include diabetes, chronic pain, smoking cessation, foot care, and stress management.

The health care service also offers the following screening programs: Blood Pressure Screening, Weight Monitoring, Blood Glucose Monitoring, Respiratory/Sleep Apnea Screening, Peripheral Vascular Screening, and Mental Health Screening.

Please take advantage of the great Health Care Services now provided to help you to ensure a healthier life.


Lake Cowichan will be hosting a delegation from our sister city, Ohtaki, Japan, from Oct. 4 to 7, 2014.  We have 10 local students fundraising diligently for their trip to Ohtaki in July of 2015. This visit from the Japanese delegation will be a great learning experience for our students and adults. This will be an opportunity to become familiar with their guests’ culture. If you see any of our guests during their visit, please take the time to say hello and give them a big Lake Cowichan welcome. The exchange between our two towns has taken place for 26 years now and has provided a great cultural exchange for the hundreds of participants.

Birthday wishes

I’m not sure if there is anyone in our community who has lived in Lake Cowichan longer than Nelson Olson who celebrated his 90th, birthday on Sunday.  I know we have older citizens who have made contributions to this community over their years but I’m just not sure they have spent their entire life here like Nels has.  Seeing Nels out for his daily walk, picking up litter to keep our town clean says so much about his character and how he feels about his hometown.  Nels you have set the bar real high for all of us to follow in your footsteps. Thank you, and wishing a happy birthday to an amazing pioneer and for the many more to follow.

Kasapi Centre/Park

I would like to update the community on an important transfer of property that is impending. I have been fortunate to have had a number of meetings with Mr. Agamemnon Athanasi Kasapi, the owner of the Logger’s Hut recently. Mr. Kasapi has kindly indicated that he is interested in gifting that property known to us as the Loggers’ Hut to the Town. In return he is requesting that the property be named as the Kasapi Centre/Park and that we be prepared to register a charge at the Land Titles Office that ensures this in perpetuity. Council has given its approval to these conditions and paperwork to undertake these requirements are with our respective solicitors. We are certainly looking forward to acquiring this valuable piece of property. To Mr. Kasapi and his family we the residents of Lake Cowichan must owe an immense debt of gratitude.


-Ross Forrest, Mayor



Lake Cowichan Gazette