Merchants agree to close Government Street for buskers

Victoria International Buskers Festival hits the streets of July 20

After a successful first run, the Victoria International Buskers Festival has sold business owners on the idea of shutting Government Street to traffic in the evening.

Festival organizer John Vickers announced he has received support from affected merchants, from View to Yates streets. The closure would only be in place starting at 6 p.m. daily for the 10-day festival starting July 20.

“The overwhelming consensus is the merchants are excited to bring the buskers’ festival to Government Street and we hope that a successful effort this July will mean increasing the performance locations on the street in years to come with merchant support,” said Vickers in a press release.

The street closure still requires support from Victioria city council. Support from the business community, however, increases the likelihood of approval.

Last year, Vickers tried but could not convince the Downtown Victoria Business Association of the benefits of the street closure. Instead, he got approval to close Langley Street, a much less travelled corridor.



Victoria News