Metro Vancouver committees announced

Metro Vancouver board chair Greg Moore announced the 2017 board structure on Friday

White Rock’s mayor and a pair of Surrey councillors have been named to key roles on various Metro Vancouver committees.

MV board chair Greg Moore announced the 2017 board structure on Friday.

White Rock Mayor Wayne Baldwin was named vice-chair of the performance and audit committee. He will also sit on the regional culture and zero waste committees.

From Surrey, Coun. Barbara Steele will chair of the aboriginal relations committee – while also sitting on the building project task force as well as the finance and inter government committee;  and Coun. Judy Villeneuve is to chair the regional culture committee, with additional seats on the climate action and housing committees.

Other seats were given to Surrey Mayor Linda Hepner (regional economy and regional homelessness task forces) and Couns. Mary Martin (climate action and electoral area), Tom Gill (performance and audit), Dave Woods (utilities) and Bruce Hayne (regional parks and zero waste).

Peace Arch News