Mission school receives tech grant

Funds will be used to improve technology in the classroom

Mission’s Siwal Siwes Aboriginal Education program is one of nine secondary schools across Canada that will be receiving funding from Future Shop’s Future Generation Tech Lab program.

All schools will get a portion of the $150,000 from Future Shop to improve their classroom technology and elevate student learning.

The grants will be used at each school’s discretion to purchase the technology and equipment they need. This year’s recipients will take on a variety of projects, including a Life Skills learning initiative for special education students, an updated library that reflects a 21st century learning environment, and a robotics lab that will allow students to create, test, program and alter designs as they see fit.

About 135 schools applied for the grant this year.

For more information about Future Shop’s Future Generation Tech Lab grant program, visit futureshop.ca/techlab.

Mission City Record