Ron Leger (far right) was honoured as a Freeman of the City on Saturday night. Here he shares the stage with several other previously honoured Freemen.

Ron Leger (far right) was honoured as a Freeman of the City on Saturday night. Here he shares the stage with several other previously honoured Freemen.

Mission volunteers honoured

The Community Service Awards were held Saturday night at the Clarke Theatre in Mission

Some of Mission’s most dedicated volunteers were honoured Saturday night at the Community Service Awards.

The ceremony was hosted at the Clarke Foundation Theatre, and also featured awards for some of the key people involved in the 2014 Mission BC Winter Games.

Following is the full list of recipients: Ron Leger – Freeman of the City Bob Ingram – Citizen of the Year Jamie Nokes – Crime prevention and community safety award Doug Olund – Crime prevention and community safety award Mission/Fire Rescue Service Honour Guard – Community service award Marilynne Davis – Community service award Jane Donatelli – Community service award Mona Freeman – Lifetime achievement award Seniors Centre Task Force – Special accomplishment award Siwal Si’wes Advisory Council – Special accomplishment award Laura Laidlaw – Against the odds achievement award Mission Girl Guides – Long term distinguished service award Mike Freeman – Lifetime achievement award Lewis Foster – Community service award Marion Buker – Lifetime achievement award Cycling 4 Diversity – Community service award Dan Williams – Community service award John and Linda Fisher – Community service award Sophie Zehner – Community Service award Danny Plecas – Community service award Mission 2014 B.C. Winter Games: Brian Antonson, 2014 BC Games President: Exceptional accomplishment and leadership award Pamela Alexis, 2014 BC Games Vice-President: Exceptional accomplishment and leadership award Plus a ‘Special Accomplishment Award’ was presented to all directorates and chairs of the Mission 2014 B.C. Winter Games.

Mission City Record