Motion aims to start core review

NANAIMO – Riparian setbacks, public engagement in budget deliberations also to be considered.

Nanaimo city councillors brought forward three notice of motions for consideration at Monday’s (Dec. 17) council meeting.

Coun. Jim Kipp said he will make his second attempt at passing a core service review of city hall on the foundation of recent plans, such as the adopted strategic corporate plan.

“I think we can complete a core review at a much cheaper rate than quoted a couple of years ago,” said Kipp. “I think it’s time.”

Council defeated Kipp’s January 2011 motion to begin an external core review 5-4, due largely to the fact it would cost an estimated $100,000 to $200,000 and that one of the city manager’s duties is to ensure efficiency at city hall.

Kipp said he wants to make sure that taxpayers are getting the best bang for their buck with the city’s $160-million budget and $43-million payroll.

Coun. Diane Brennan said she will bring forward a motion requesting the planning department review the riparian setback variation policy in consultation with the advisory committee on environmental sustainability and the development community and make recommendations for change.

The city’s riparian setback policy has gone unchanged since the late 1990s.

With 2013-2017 budget deliberations set to begin in January, Coun. George Anderson said he will bring forward a motion for council to direct staff to investigate the possibility of further public participation and engagement on the budget in the form of a town hall or electronic town hall meeting.

On Monday, council approved a notice of motion put forward by Coun. Bill McKay, which asked for council’s approval in sending a letter of support to the Ministry of Transportation for an application by Tofino Bus Services to provide service between Victoria-Nanaimo and Nanaimo-Campbell River. Greyhound Bus Lines recently applied to terminate its services on those routes.

“If approved, Tofino Bus will provide employment and transportation opportunities for Nanaimo,” said McKay.

Nanaimo News Bulletin