Museum asks Cumberland council to increase funding

Cumberland council received an update Monday from Meaghan Cursons on behalf of the museum.

Cumberland council received an update Monday from Meaghan Cursons on behalf of the museum, which is eligible for funding from Heritage Canada.

This is due to efforts to develop a strategic plan and collections management policy, and to secure curatorial staff.

The museum continues to be challenged by a lack of stable operating funds.

Funding from the Village and a $9,000 yearly grant from BC Gaming support core operating costs, but the museum expects a modest deficit for 2013.

It has requested council to consider a funding increase from $12,000 to $15,000.

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The Local Citizen Advisory Group meets Monday from 5 to 8 p.m. in council chambers.

The group will discuss issues and opportunities by identifying the strength and areas for improvement to the 2004 Official Community Plan, and by developing alternative policy options for areas needing improvement. Most discussions will take place in small groups.

The public is welcome to attend.

The purpose of the group is to advise Village staff and Stantec Consulting on policy alternatives to address a range of growth, planning and development opportunities and constraints affecting Cumberland. The advice will help in the review and revision of the 2004 OCP.

About 40 people attended an OCP kickoff event in January. About 30 citizens attended the first community engagement workshop this month.

A second community dialogue meeting is set for mid-March. Watch for more information.

Comox Valley Record