MVAs, suspicious noises, well-being checks part of Creston RCMP week

Creston RCMP responded to 65 calls for service from Feb. 8-14...

Creston RCMP responded to 65 calls for service from Feb. 8-14, Cpl. Monty Taylor said yesterday.

February 8

•A well-being check on a Sixth Avenue South resident revealed no problems.

•Three youths were reported to be driving dirt bikes erratically on Wynndel Road. They were not located by police.

•When police located a reported suspicious vehicle on Highway 21 they found nothing of concern.

•Some items were stolen in a break-in to a Stace Road residence. The investigation continues.

•Police were unable to locate a white Chevrolet Malibu reported to be in control of an impaired driver on Highway 95.

•When police responded to a report of a fight over unpaid rent on Fifth Avenue South, they were told by the participants that the battle was consensual.

•Responding to a concern by an Eighth Avenue South resident, they found no signs that anyone had been on the property late at night.

February 9

•When police arrived at 35th Avenue South to investigate a report of a single vehicle accident, they found it unoccupied. However, a 19-year-old female was located in another vehicle, causing a disturbance. She was intoxicated and taken into custody overnight.

•An unusual occurrence these days — an 11th Avenue North business reported a possibly counterfeit $20 bill. New Canadian currency is proving difficult for counterfeiters to replicate.

•A gate on Lloyd Road was damaged in an apparent attempted entry to the property.

•Police assisted emergency medical personnel with a patient on Hillside Street.

•A reported 84-year-old male driving extremely slowly on Meadow Creek Road was fast enough to avoid being found by police.

•When police investigated a report of a suspicious vehicle on Lakeview-Arrow Creek Road they found a person visiting neighbours owned it.

•A Highway 21 resident was reported to be outside yelling about cats.

•There were no signs of a forced entry on 35th Avenue North where a female had reported a break and entry.

•February 10

•No injuries were reported when a truck flipped on Highway 3.

•A male wearing camouflage clothing was stopped by a CPR representative and warned that walking on railroad tracks is illegal. “How about I shoot you?” was his response. The man has not been identified.

•The theft of an iPad on 11th Avenue South was resolved when the culprits, age 13 and 15, were identified on a surveillance video. The item has been returned.

•An Erickson Road resident reported hearing suspicious noises on the previous day.

•A vehicle rolled over on Highway 3 near French Slough Bridge. No injuries were reported.

•A Scott Street youth who was angry at his parents dialed 911 and then hung up, causing a visit from police.

•A vehicle was reported to be doing donuts on a Lister property.

February 11

•A female reported to be in breach of parole conditions was arrested in Cranbrook.

•A reported panhandler on 10th Avenue North was gone when police arrived.

•Police are checking video images in an attempt to identify a person who stole a jacket at a Canyon Street business.

•Police and a bank are investigating a complaint that $2,000 has been taken from a Selkirk Drive resident’s account.

•A warning letter was sent to the owner of a vehicle that passed a stopped school bus on Highway 3 in Erickson.

•The driver of a vehicle that went off Highway 3 near China Creek Road was taken to hospital with injuries.

February 12

•An Eighth Avenue South resident complained about someone knocking on the door and running off.

•Blood was found on a phone and phonebook in a Canyon-Lister Road business but the caller has not been identified.

•Police are investigating a reported theft of groceries at an Eighth Avenue South residence.

February 13

•Police are investigating a single vehicle accident on Highway 3A in which the driver was using the vehicle without permission.

•A 1991 Mazda was backed into by an unidentified pickup truck on Canyon Street. The force was sufficient to drive the Mazda back into another vehicle.

•A female driver was taken to hospital to be checked after her vehicle went off Highway 3A at a sharp corner and rolled down a 15-foot bank.

•Police were called to dispatch an injured deer on Highway 3 at Lakeview-Arrow Creek Road.

•An intoxicated male on Highway 21 North fell and was knocked out. He was taken to hospital by ambulance.

February 14

•An intoxicated female was arrested following a domestic dispute on 44th Street.


Creston Valley Advance