National Forest Week in the North Thompson, Sept. 17 – 24

In keeping with this year’s theme, “True North, Strong and Green: Celebrating Canada’s Forests,” there will be opportunities for all

NFW logo

NFW logo

Once again a local volunteer group, with the support of the Provincial Coalition for National Forest Week, invites you to participate in special activities to celebrate the many human and environmental aspects of the forests in the North Thompson Valley during National Forest Week, Sept. 17 – 24.

In keeping with this year’s theme, “True North, Strong and Green: Celebrating Canada’s Forests,” there will be opportunities for all ages and groups – from school children to seniors; for active outdoor citizens to the classroom learner. We challenge individual residents to learn more about our forest heritage, our current uses of the forest landscape and to support greater recognition of the contribution of forests to the quality of life in the Valley.

Here are some events you don’t want to miss:

• On Saturday, Sept. 17 learn all about invasive plant species at the Farmer’s Market

• On Monday, Sept. 19, a tour of the District of Clearwater’s bio-fuel heating facility, the first of its kind in Clearwater. Find out if there are future possibilities in our area.

• On Tuesday evening, Sept. 20, a presentation by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources. A review of the level of forest harvesting in the North Thompson has recently been completed. Find out the results, why the reduction and possibility hear views on what it may mean to the community in the long term.

• Also on Tuesday and Thursday, tour Canfor-Vavenby, the largest sawmill in the Valley

• National Tree Day will be celebrated on Wednesday, Sept. 21 with the planting of a tree at the new Splash Park

• On Thursday evening listen in on a presentation of cumulative effects within a watershed presented by Doug Lewis.

• On Saturday, Sept 24 tour Wells Gray Community Forest with general manager George Brcko

This year we have added an exciting adventure for Grades 4 students from Raft River Elementary School. Field studies will be undertaken on the Hospital Loop Trail to study a forest, identify tree species, how to age a tree, different vegetation types, forest health, how to use a compass etc.

There will be no fees charged to take part in any of the events. However, registration is required for the mill tours and the community forest tour. A calendar of events is included in this supplement of the Times.

You can learn more about each activity and register for the tours at Clearwater Farmers Market on Saturday, Sept. 17 between 9 a.m. and noon.


Two presentations about forestry

Forestry is the number one industry in the upper North Thompson Valley and National Forest Week is an opportunity to celebrate and learn more about that industry.

The planned activities for Clearwater during the week of Sept. 18 – 24 will include two presentations on forest related subjects. Both will be at Dutch Lake Community Centre.

On Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. there will be a presentation on the timber supply review recently done for this area.

The timber supply review process determines the allowable annual cut for the Timber Supply Area, which in turn determines how much wood is available for local loggers and sawmills. The presentation will provide some basic information on the process and give attendees an opportunity to ask questions about TSR.

The presentation will be made by Ron Van der Zwan, stewardship officer for Thompson Rivers District, and Alan Card, the acting resource manager at the Thompson Rivers District.

Thursday evening, Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources resource practices specialist Doug Lewis will talk about the cumulative effects of changes within a watershed.

For example, logging and cattle ranging can affect people with drinking water rights.



Clearwater Times