Nelson native earns award for valour

A Nelson native now serving with the Saanich Police Department is being honoured for his role in preventing a suicide.

Trevor Dyck, who grew up in Nelson, will be recognized this month by the lieutenant governor.

Trevor Dyck, who grew up in Nelson, will be recognized this month by the lieutenant governor.

A Nelson native now serving with the Saanich Police Department is being honoured for his role in preventing a suicide.

Sgt. Trevor Dyck will receive an award for valour from the lieutenant governor on Nov. 19.

Dyck and a fellow officer, Cst. Francisco Aviles, arrived at the backyard of a home on June 9, where they immediately began negotiating with a shotgun-wielding man. After identifying themselves, they witnessed him attempt, on multiple occasions, to pull the trigger with his toe while aiming the barrel at his chin.

After approximately one hour, the officers were able to convince the subject to eject the live shell from the shotgun and surrender.

“This was an exceptionally challenging and stressful call for all involved,” Saanich police chief Bob Downie wrote when giving the pair a chief constable’s commendation last year. “Their actions had a direct impact on preventing the distraught male from ending his own life.”

The pair will join Nelson Det.-Cst. David Laing, who is also receiving an award for valour in relation to a separate suicide attempt,at the Vancouver ceremony.


Nelson Star