Nelson Police responded to a request for assistance at a local apartment building and discovered a mentally ill woman brandishing a knife. The woman was subdued and committed to care at Kootenay Lake Hospital.

Nelson Police responded to a request for assistance at a local apartment building and discovered a mentally ill woman brandishing a knife. The woman was subdued and committed to care at Kootenay Lake Hospital.

Nelson woman tasered, committed

Police responded to incident involving mentally ill female with a knife on evening of May 24.

A Nelson woman has been committed to the care of Kootenay Lake Hospital after an altercation involving a knife and taser ended without serious injuries on Sunday night.

“The Nelson Police Department were called to assist a landlord of an apartment building. Upon arrival the officers learned that the landlord and a tenant were very concerned for the safety of an upstairs tenant,” said Sgt. Brian Weber in a news release.

They first arrived at approximately 10:30 p.m.

“The upstairs tenant had told them she was in possession of a knife and was threatening to stab people. She could be heard screaming about having her things stolen.”

The two officers approached the apartment with care. When they discovered the woman, who is well known to police, she had moved her mattress on to the porch, propped her bedframe against the wall and left two televisions on the floor.

“The woman was in very poor mental health. She was in a highly agitated state. The officers engaged her in conversation, but their efforts were fruitless. She was bound and determined to protect her property from ‘them’.”

The officers attempted to de-escalate the situation, but the woman threatened to use a knife she claimed was concealed under a blanket.

The officers pleaded her to hand oven the weapon, and after a lengthy dialogue one of the officers was about to remove the blanket enough to confirm she was in possession of a sizeable kitchen knife.

“The woman became enraged and started towards the officers with the knife in hand. A Conducted Energy Weapon (CEW) was rapidly deployed by one of the officers,” said Weber.

The electrical impulses of the instrument disrupted the woman’s motor functions long enough for the officers to disarm her.

She was detained under the Mental Health Act.

“Fortunately, nobody was seriously injured. The woman was quickly treated by paramedics and transported to Kootenay Lake Hospital, where she was examined by a physician.”

The Nelson Police expressed their relief that they were able to safely diffuse the dangerous situation, and credited their mental health training.

“Police have been involved in discussions with the goal of keeping this person’s health from deteriorating to the point where she again becomes dangerous to herself and others.”


Nelson Star