New equipment saves pets

Vernon firefighters now have the ability to save pets during emergencies, thanks to the donation from a generous Vernon realtor

Veterinarian Jessica Barker from Tri Lake Animal Hospital teaches Vernon firefighters Dan Nadeau and Allyson Reich how to use the animal oxygen masks on dog volunteer Zera, Thursday at the fire hall. The masks were donated to Vernon Fire Rescue by John Deak Full Service Real Estate Shop.

Veterinarian Jessica Barker from Tri Lake Animal Hospital teaches Vernon firefighters Dan Nadeau and Allyson Reich how to use the animal oxygen masks on dog volunteer Zera, Thursday at the fire hall. The masks were donated to Vernon Fire Rescue by John Deak Full Service Real Estate Shop.

Vernon firefighters now have the ability to save pets during emergencies.

John Deak, a Century 21 realtor, and his wife Teresa have donated three sets of pet oxygen delivery systems to the department.

“You know when you see those news stories with firefighters giving oxygen to pets at the scene of a fire? One day, I thought we should have that in Vernon too,” said John Deak.

The donation has been welcomed by the department.

“Vernon Fire Rescue Services will have another tool to help out families and provide aid to those who need it when they need it,” said Brent Bond, a captain with the department.

The firefighters received training from Tri Lake Animal Hospital.

“Being able to give oxygen promptly and effectively can make a significant difference to a beloved pet’s survival. It is critical that pets suffering from smoke inhalation or burn injuries are immediately taken to a veterinarian to receive emergency care,” said Cara Reed, Tri Lake client services manager.


Vernon Morning Star