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The Thompson Rivers University (TRU) campus in Williams Lake was chosen for the recent launch of the Saw Filer training program for British Columbia’s lumber industry.

Resource Training Organization of BC spearheaded the relocation of the program from Burnaby because it logistically made sense to be in the Interior, due to the proximity to the industry. Apprenticeship training will continue at TRU in 2014.


The Interior Health Cardiac Surgery Program marked its one year anniversary in December.

Premier Christy Clark, MLA for Westside-Kelowna, says the availability of cardiac surgery in Kelowna has been a great benefit for patients from throughout the Interior.

More than 500 surgeries have been performed on patients from across the Interior since the program’s first open heart surgery on Dec. 3, 2012.


The provincial government is taking unique measures to improve collections on overdue environmental court penalties.

Those with outstanding penalties who hold fishing or hunting licences will have them revoked until outstanding penalties are paid in full. It also publicly named the 18 businesses and 155 individuals owing these fines to the province or the Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation.

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