News FAST bytes

Interesting tidbits of news busy Free Press readers will want to know


The 108 Greenbelt Commission will put cattle in the Block Drive horse pasture later this week.

The cows will remain there for several weeks to graze down the dead grass in order to reduce the fire hazard.

Grass production was exceptional this year, as a result of the rain in the spring and early summer, but there were not enough horses browsing in the pasture to keep up with it. Cattle have been placed there before when a similar situation existed a number of years ago.

The pasture runs from Block Drive and Kincum Road to Tatton Road.


The Off-reserve Aboriginal Action Plan (ORAAP) has released its 2012/13 year-end report, indicating the plan is moving ahead on schedule.

The ORAAP came about through a commitment in British Columbia’s throne-speech.

The report details progress to date for finding innovative solutions to address socio-economic challenges facing B.C.’s Aboriginal people living off-reserve.

Download the report at


Upon recommendations made by Information and Privacy Commissioner Elizabeth Denham, the B.C. Ministry of Health has strengthened its data privacy and security.

It has also restored secure data access for external health researchers and its contract with the University of British Columbia’s Therapeutics Initiative.

All of the recommendations made by consulting firm Deloitte, contracted by the ministry to review its data security and access, will also be implemented.

Read the release, with links to the reports, at




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