No idle chatter on Government Street in Victoria

University of Victoria law students show support for aboriginal rights

University of Victoria law student Kelsey Lavoie reads three paragraphs of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples during a flash mob demonstration Sunday on Government Street showing support for Chief Theresa Spence.

University of Victoria law student Kelsey Lavoie reads three paragraphs of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples during a flash mob demonstration Sunday on Government Street showing support for Chief Theresa Spence.

About 50 University of Victoria law students took part in a moving flash mob demonstration Sunday.

The event began at Centennial Square and saw participants stop to read parts of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples at various points along Government Street as the group made its way to the legislature.

A more broad-based student demonstration supporting the Idle No More movement attracted upwards of 250 marchers Saturday. Participants drummed, chanted and carried placards along Government Street before holding a rally on the steps of the legislature.

Victoria News